Just like introducing yourself to someone new can be difficult, first lines on paper are sometimes hard to come by. Although, I shouldn't be allowed to say that, because I always use it as a standard first line to avoid having to write a first line. Now, that we have successfully taken care of the first-line dilemma, let's get down to business.
We don't see it, but Language plays a huge role in shaping everything within and without us, and vice-versa. I won't elaborate on this now, as my further posts will do just that. This blog of mine is dedicated to, as the title suggests, words. Everything, anything about words. I see it fit, therefore, to call my blog posts 'w-articles', short for word-articles. An assortment of the finest pieces on etymology(study of the origin and development of words) from various sources for language-lovers would describe my blog best. Plus, my blog ensures that your hair stays intact even after you turn 90, because now you won't have to pull your hair out trying to get good w-articles under the same roof. It's going to be very random and mishmash, with no structure to it at all. Randomness and spontaneity often inspire my fingers to tap the best keys on the keyboard. But, I'll try to give it some semblance of continuity, wherever required.
I assure you that it will make for some very interesting reading.
One more thing. I relish participation, so please be forthcoming with your comments.
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